In today’s most successful museums, the boundaries between galleries, program spaces, collection storage, archives and outdoor activity areas are often blurred.


Everything is interdependent


At MGMP, we always look toward the big picture. Our work process is based on the principle that each component of a museum, whether physical, strategic, or programmatic, is interdependent.

Our programming approach considers the totality of your institution’s site, facility, programs, exhibits, partnerships and interactions as positive reinforcements of its mission and identity.

Every space should be fundable, operable, and encourage visitation.


All space planning considerations are connected to your museum’s daily operations and business plan.

By working to understand your current and future organizational needs, we develop a methodology for space assignment and use designed to help you achieve your programmatic goals.

AAM Accreditation is our standard


Our work acknowledges that accreditation is a major consideration for every museum.

In nearly all of MGMP’s museum projects, the requirements for accreditation by the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) form the foundation of our planning work.